Chargé de Recherche

I'm studying through numerical simulations how natural materials (soil, rock, ..), or the structures built thereof, deform under loads. Since most natural materials are made from grains (sand being a typical example), I usually perform these numerical simulations looking at a collection of interacting particles. Applications of my research lie in the field in Civil Engineering, e.g. for hydraulic structures such as dams.

More precise scopes are listed below.

You may also check the Scopus details (ID: 36559174600), as well as my Orcid page for more background information.

Research interests

Discrete geo-mechanics with realistic particle shape: Level-Set (LS-DEM) and polyhedra approaches

Level-Set description of superellipsoid and rock particles

Micromechanics of wet granular materials and effective stress discussion

Middle image by R. Wan (Univ. of Calgary) & J. Duriez, left and right images from www.elyskiphire.co.uk and https://gizmodo.com/5931532/ resp.

Micromechanics of rock fracturing

DEM modelling of rock fracturing and interpretation in terms of local tensile stresses, from [A6]

Material stability (second order work criterion) of rock joints and rock cliffs

Stability analysis of the "Gorges de Valabres"
(southern French Alps) from [Ch3]

Constitutive modelling of soils and interfaces

Interface constitutive relations: response enveloppes from [A2] (left), and model-experiments comparison from [A4] (right)

Numerical modelling with the Discrete Element Method (DEM)

DEM model (YADE code) of a simple compression test from [A6] (left) and [Ed1]'s front cover (right)

Research projects and Sponsors





The list of my publications is given below by chronological order, with [A..] = journal articles ; [Pr..] = proceedings articles ; [Ch..] = book chapter ; [E..] = editor work ; [Doc..] = code documentation.

You may also check the corresponding Scopus page (ID: 36559174600).


[A28] YADE - An extensible framework for the interactive simulation of multiscale, multiphase, and multiphysics particulate systems, V. Angelidakis, K. Boschi, K. Brzeziński, R. A. Caulk, B. Chareyre, C. A. del Valle, J. Duriez, A. Gladky, D. L.H. van der Haven, J. Kozicki, G. Pekmezi, L. Scholtès, K. Thoeni, Computer Physics Communications, 2024

[A27] Investigation techniques and physical aspects of the angle of repose of granular matter, S. Duverger, V. Angelidakis, S. Nadimi, S. Utili, S. Bonelli, P. Philippe, J. Duriez, Granular Matter, 2024, hal-04222127

[A26] A method to evaluate the capillary stress tensor at failure in unsaturated soils, F. Prunier, D. Branque, J. Duriez, F. Darve, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2024


[A25] A 3D-DEM Model for Tropical Residual Soils under Monotonic and Cyclic Loadings, T. Mohamed, J. Duriez, G. Veylon, L. Peyras, P. Soulat, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, vol. 149(11), 2023, hal-04189055

[A24] A discrete-based multi-scale modeling approach for the propagation of seismic waves in soils, T. Mohamed, J. Duriez, G. Veylon, L. Peyras, P. Soulat, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, vol. 173, 2023, hal-04161048

[A23] Round robin test on angle of repose: DEM simulation results collected from 16 groups around the world, H. Saomoto, N. Kikkawa, S. Moriguchi, Y. Nakata, M. Otsubo, V. Angelidakis, Y.P. Cheng, K. Chew, G. Chiaro, J. Duriez, S. Duverger et al., Soils and Foundations, vol. 63(1), 2023, hal-03985412

[A22] Dynamic Properties of a Compacted Residual Soil from the West Indies, L. Mouali, G. Veylon, D. Dias, L. Peyras, C. Carvajal, J. Duriez, E. Antoinet, Geotechnics, vol. 3, 2023, hal-04220682

[A21] Integration of rock joint roughness into the Mohr-Coulomb shear behaviour model – application to dam safety analysis, A. Rulliere, L. Peyras, J. Duriez, P. Rivard, P. Breul, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, vol. 27, 2023, hal-03966296

[A20] A general model for the small-strain stiffness of saturated residual soils: back analysis of a database and case study, G. Veylon, L. Mouali, N. Benahmed, L. Peyras, J. Duriez, D. Dias, E. Antoinet, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2023


[A19] DEM models using direct and indirect shape descriptions for Toyoura sand along monotonous loading paths, T. Mohamed, J. Duriez, G. Veylon, L. Peyras, Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 142, 2022, hal-03549917

[Pr16] Modélisations numériques discrètes de matériaux granulaires à partir d'une description Level Set des particules, J. Duriez, C. Galusinski, F. Golay, S. Bonelli in 25e Congrès Français de Mécanique, Nantes, August 2022, hal-03797466


[A18] A Level Set-Discrete Element Method in YADE for numerical, micro-scale, geomechanics with refined grain shapes, J. Duriez, C. Galusinski, Computers and Geosciences, vol. 157, 2021, hal-03359788. With a source code at https://gitlab.com/jduriez/lsYade and a video of a simulation here

[A17] Precision and computational costs of Level Set-Discrete Element Method (LS-DEM) with respect to DEM, J. Duriez, S. Bonelli, Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 134, 2021, hal-03225311

[A16] Assessing the brittle crust thickness from strike-slip fault segments on Earth, Mars and Icy moons, F.-V. Donzé, Y. Klinger, V. Bonilla-Sierra, J. Duriez, L. Jiao, L. Scholtès, Tectonophysics, vol. 805, 2021, hal-03158574

[Pr15] Rattlers’ involvement for possibly looser critical states under higher mean stress, S. Duverger, J. Duriez, P. Philippe, S. Bonelli in Powders & Grains 2021 – 9th International Conference on Micromechanics on Granular Media, EPJ Web Conf., 249, 2021, hal-03253281

[Pr14] Computational Costs and Flexibility of Level Set-Discrete Element Method, J. Duriez, C. Galusinski, S. Bonelli, F. Golay in 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) ECCOMAS Congress 2020, F. Chinesta, R. Abgrall, O. Allix, D. Néron, M. Kaliske (Eds), Virtual, January 2021, video

[Doc4] PyCBG, a Python module for generating CB-Geo MPM input files (v1.1.4), S. Duverger, J. Duriez, doi:10.5281/zenodo.5179973, 2021


[Pr13] Cost/benefit analysis of constitutive laws and DEM approach for geotechnical simulations under various loading paths, T. Mohamed, J. Duriez, G. Veylon, L. Peyras, in Applied Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics – 2020 (5th International Itasca Symposium), D. Billaux, J. Hazzard, M. Schöpfer, M. Nelson (Eds), Vienne, 2020, hal-03798080

[Pr12] Level set representation on octree for granular material with arbitrary grain shape, J. Duriez, C. Galusinski in Proceedings Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2020, D. Šimurda, T. Bodnár (Eds), Prague, February 2020, ISBN 978-80-87012-74-1, hal-02484591


[A15] Preferential growth of force network in granular media, M. Pouragha, J. Duriez, A. Wautier, R. Wan, F. Nicot, F. Darve, Granular Matter, vol. 21(67), 2019, hal-02172048

[A14] A probabilistic approach for computing water retention of particulate systems from statistics of grain size and tessellated pore network, R. Wan, M. Pouragha, M. Eghbalian, J. Duriez, T. Wong, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, vol. 43(5), p. 956–973, 2019, direct access here

[Pr11] Micro-mécanique des milieux granulaires triphasiques, J. Duriez, R. Wan, in 24e Congrès Français de Mécanique, Brest, August 2019, hal-02609701

[Pr10] A micromechanical, μUNSAT, approach for wet granular soils, J. Duriez, R. Wan, S. Duverger, in Proceedings of the 8th international conference on discrete element methods (DEM8), A. Thornton, T. Weinhart, S. Luding (Eds), Enschede, July 2019, hal-02609633

[Pr9] Seismic analysis of an earth dam in a tropical geologic context, L. Mouali, E. Antoinet, D. Dias, G. Veylon, J.Duriez, L. Peyras, in 7th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (ICEGE 2019), F. Silvestri, N. Moraci (Eds), Rome, June 2019, ISBN 9780367143282


[Pr8] The micromechanical nature of stresses in wet granular soils, R. Wan, J. Duriez, F. Darve, p. 26–27 in 4th International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics, G. N. Pande, S. Pietruszczak, C. Tamagnini (Eds), Assise, May 2018, ISBN 978-960-98750-3-5

[Ed1] 2nd YADE Workshop: Discrete-based modeling of multi-scale coupled problems. Booklet of Abstracts, J. Duriez (Ed.), Aix-en-Provence, April 2018, ISBN 979-10-94074-06-0

[A13] Statistical analysis of stress transmission in wet granular material, M. Pouragha, R. Wan, J. Duriez, N. H. Sultan, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, vol. 42(16), p. 1935–1956, 2018

[A12] A micromechanical μUNSAT effective stress expression for stress-strain behaviour of wet granular materials, J. Duriez, R. Wan, Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, vol. 15, p. 10–18, 2018, hal-01893074

[A11] Revisiting the existence of an effective stress for wet granular soils with micromechanics, J. Duriez, R. Wan, M. Pouragha, F. Darve, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, vol. 42(8), p. 959–978, 2018, hal-02015650

2017 and before

[A10] The micromechanical nature of stresses in triphasic granular media with interfaces, J. Duriez, M. Eghbalian, R. Wan, F. Darve, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 99, p. 495—511, 2017, hal-01877084

[A9] Contact angle mechanical influence in wet granular soils, J. Duriez, R. Wan, Acta Geotechnica, vol. 12(1), p. 67—83, 2017, hal-01868741

[A8] Subtleties in discrete-element modelling of wet granular soils, J. Duriez, R. Wan, Géotechnique, vol. 67(4), p. 365–370, 2017, hal-01868739

[Pr7] Partially saturated granular materials: insights from micro-mechanical modelling, J. Duriez, R. Wan, M. Pouragha, p. 441–448 in 6th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, M. Vandamme, P. Dangla, J.M. Pereira and S. Ghabezloo (Eds), Paris, July 2017, ISBN 9780784480779

[Ch4] Microstructural Views of Stresses in Three-Phase Granular Materials, J. Duriez, R. Wan, F. Darve, p. 143–165 in From Microstructure Investigations to Multiscale Modeling: Bridging the Gap, D. Brancherie, P. Feissel, S. Bouvier and A. Ibrahimbegovic (Eds), Wiley-ISTE, 2017, ISBN 9781786302595

[A7] Stress in wet granular media with interfaces via homogenization and discrete element approaches, J. Duriez, R. Wan, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, vol. 142 (12), p. 04016099-1–9, 2016, hal-01865359

[A6] Micromechanics of wing crack propagation for different flaw properties, J. Duriez, L. Scholtès, F.-V. Donzé, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol. 153, p. 378–398, 2016, hal-01865371

[Pr6] DEM Modelling in Geomechanics: Some Recent Breakthroughs, F. Darve, J. Duriez, R. Wan, p. 3–12 in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM7), X. Lu, Y. Feng, G. Mustoe (Eds), Dalian, August 2016, ISBN 978-981-10-1926-5

[A5] A tensorial description of stresses in triphasic granular materials with interfaces, R. Wan, J. Duriez, F. Darve, Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, vol. 4, p. 73–87, 2015, hal-01865375

[Pr5] Effective stress in unsaturated granular materials: micro-mechanical insights, J. Duriez, R. Wan, p. 1232–1242 in Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering VI, B. Schrefler, E. Onate and M. Papadrakakis (Eds), Venice, May 2015, ISBN 978-84-943928-3-2

[Pr4] Discrete modeling of rock fracturing for various modes and mechanical properties, J. Duriez, F.-V. Donzé, L. Scholtès in ISRM 2015 Congress, Montréal, May 2015, ISBN 978-1-926872-25-4

[Doc3] Reference Manual, V. Šmilauer, E. Catalano, B. Chareyre, S. Dorofeenko, J. Duriez, N. Dyck, J. Eliáš, B. Er, A. Eulitz, A. Gladky, C. Jakob, F. Kneib, J. Kozicki, D. Marzougui, R. Maurin, C. Modenese, L. Scholtès, L. Sibille, J. Stránský, T. Sweijen, K. Thoeni, C. Yuan, in Yade Documentation 2nd ed., 2015

[A4] Constitutive modelling of cohesionless soils and interfaces with various internal states: An elasto-plastic approach, J. Duriez, É. Vincens, Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 63, p. 33–45, 2015, hal-01865383

[Pr3] Constitutive modelling of granular soils and interfaces considering their internal state, J. Duriez, É. Vincens, p. 721–726 in Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, K. Soga, K. Kumar, G. Biscontin and M. Kuo (Eds), Cambridge, September 2014, ISBN 978-1-138-02723-7

[Ch3] Failure mechanics of geomaterials, F. Prunier, F. Nicot, R. Wan, J. Duriez, F. Darve, p. 137–169 in Handbook of Damage Mechanics, G. Voyiadjis (Ed), Springer, 2014, ISBN 978-1-4614-5589-9

[A3] Material stability analysis of rock joints, J. Duriez, F. Darve, F.-V. Donzé, F. Nicot, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, vol. 37 (15), p. 2539–2562, 2013, hal-01868730

[A2] Incrementally non-linear plasticity applied to rock joint modelling, J. Duriez, F. Darve, F.-V. Donzé, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, vol. 37(5), p. 453–477, 2013, hal-01868725

[Ch2] Mechanical stability analyses of fractured rock slopes, V. Merrien-Soukatchoff, J. Duriez, M. Gasc, F. Darve, F.-V. Donzé, p. 67–112 in Rockfall Engineering, S. Lambert, F. Nicot (Eds), Wiley-ISTE, 2011, ISBN 978-1-84821-256-5

[A1] A discrete modeling-based constitutive relation for infilled rock joints, J. Duriez, F. Darve, F.-V. Donzé, International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, vol. 48(3), p. 458–468, 2011, hal-01903579

[Ch1] Prédire les chutes de blocs : une approche mécanique, J. Duriez, F. Darve, F.-V. Donzé, M. Gasc, p. 167–209 in F. Nicot, S. Lambert (Eds) Géomécanique des instabilités rocheuses, du déclenchement à l’ouvrage, Lavoisier, 2010, ISBN 978-2-7462-2990-7

[Doc2] Yade Reference Documentation, V. Šmilauer, E. Catalano, B. Chareyre, S. Dorofeenko, J. Duriez, A. Gladky, J. Kozicki, C. Modenese, L. Scholtès, L. Sibille, J. Stránský, and K. Thoeni, in Yade Documentation, The Yade Project, 1st ed., V. Šmilauer (Ed.), 2010

[Pr2] Constitutive modelling of rock joints, J. Duriez, F. Darve, F.-V. Donzé, in COMPLAS X, E. Onate, D.R.J. Owen and B. Suarez (Eds), Barcelone, September 2009, ISBN 978-84-96736-69-6

[Doc1] Yade for the non-geeks, J. Duriez, in Discrete Element Group for Hazard Mitigation, Annual Report #4, F.-V. Donzé (Ed), p. M1–M14, 2008

[Pr1] Impact of climate change on rock slope stability: Monitoring and modelling, G. Senfaute, V. Merrien-Soukatchoff, C. Clement, F. Laouafa, C. Dünner, G. Pfeifle, Y. Guglielmi, H. Lançon, J. Mudry, F. Darve, F.-V. Donzé, J. Duriez et al., in Landslides and Climate Change, R. McInnes, J. Jakeways, H. Fairbank and E. Mathie (Eds), Isle of Wight, May 2007, ISBN 978-0-415-88937-7

Date de modification : 08 juillet 2024 | Date de création : 13 janvier 2020 | Rédaction : Jérôme Duriez