Nowcasting and impact-based predictions of flash floods: the NEPTUNE European project on the French Italian basin of La Roya


The general objective of the NEPTUNE (Nowcasting and impact-basEd PredicTions of inUndations in mediterraNean catchmEnts) project is to develop tools and methods improving preparedness and prevention in transborder areas affected by Mediterranean flash flood events.

Le bassin de la Roya

Breil-Sur-Roya, 04/02/2020

Project organization

WP1 - Project Management
WP2 - Precipitation predictions
WP3 - Hydrological modelling and forecasting
WP4 - Impact-based predictions
WP5 - End-users evaluation and implementation

Improving the rainfall radar estimates using a dense satellite-based sensors (from HDRAIN) network 


Rainfall transborder reanalysis, nowcasting with STEPS, hydro. modelling with SMASH 


Rainfall nowcasting with Phast, hydrological modelling with CONTINUUM, impact modelling 



Date de modification : 19 mars 2024 | Date de création : 19 mars 2024 | Rédaction : Pierre Javelle