IRN GeoMech workshop on hydromechanical instabilities

Organizing committee: Antoine Wautier, Nadia Benahmed, Pierre Philippe


Granular materials are involved in many natural hazards, such as landslides, avalanches, dike or dam failures, etc. Due to their discrete nature, they have a complex mechanical behavior resulting from local interactions between grains and collective behaviors organized at different scales. Thus, the failure modes of geomaterials can take several forms: diffuse failure possibly resulting in liquefaction, localized failure with shear bands at several scales (from a few grains to the size of the complete system), mixed mode failure, etc. Moreover, granular materials being porous, they are very often subjected to water infiltration likely to induce important changes of microstructure that can affect their physical, hydraulic and mechanical properties. 

The main objective of this workshop is to review recent advances in the understanding of the elementary mechanisms of destabilization of granular materials and their impact on failure modes (e.g. liquefaction, strain localization). The topics addressed during the workshop may be related, for instance, to the mechanical response and stability of geomaterials in the presence of capillary or solid bridges (sintering, bio-calcification, dissolution/precipitation, ...), internal erosion (suffusion and clogging), surface erosion, etc.

Welcome adress


This two days workshop is schedule on May 2-3 2023. The final program will be announced in the forthcoming days!

The workshop will start at 11 am on Tuesday May 2nd (coffee served from 10:30 am)

On Wednesday May 3rd, the workshop will end by a lab tour at 4 pm.

People attending remotely will be able to follow the presentations online here

The program with the booklet of abstracts is availiable here.

Registration deadlines

Participants are encouraged to register as soon as possible

Registration deadline: April 11th 2023

Registration fee: free

Registration link: here

Participants interested by giving a talk are asked to send an extended abstract (2 to 4 pages) including figures and references. A booklet of abstracts is available here.

Templates: word or latex

Practical information

The workshop is organized within the framework of the International Research Network GeoMech (CNRS) and the scientific animation hydromeca from INRAE AQUA department.

It is financially supported by the CNRS and INRAE. Consequently meals (lunches and diner) and coffee breaks are included for all participants. Accommodation will also be covered for participants who need it (subjected to the available budget). 

Participants will be hosted at the hotel Odalys City L'Atrium at a walking distance from Aix city center.

The workshop will be hosted at INRAE Aix-en-Provence, in room Cezanne (building D). To access to internet, select the wifi network eduspot and follow the instructions given here.

To reach Aix-en-Provence by train the most convenient is to stop at Aix-en-Provence TGV and then take the bus 40 to the city center. Participants coming by plane can land at Marseilles Airport and also reach Aix-en-Provence by bus 40.

From Aix-en-Provence, to reach the conference premises, take bus 13 (or bus 110) to Le Tholonet (stop at Ferrageon). From the hotel, the closest stop for bus 13 is "Ecole militaire" (5 min walk). From Aix central bus station, the closest bus 13 stop is "Malherbe" (5-10 min walk)

Forthcoming events

- Material Point Method (MPM) workshop, Aix-en-Provence and online, June 2nd

- Annual IRN GeoMech Workshop, La Rochelle, June 26-28th 

To arrange hotel reservation for every attendee, could you please confirm your participation before June 8th, by sending an email to :<a href="" class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"></a><a href="" class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"></a>with:-  Name, affiliation-  Your arrival and departure schedule (date, timing)-  Title of your presentation (if any)-  Any other suggestion

Date de modification : 21 juin 2023 | Date de création : 14 novembre 2022 | Rédaction : Antoine Wautier